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Copyright Leach/Rankin Productions LTD 1978
All Rights Reserved.
Witch's Night Out - Unknown Artist
ANYTOWNER'S EYE WITNESS!!! Memories of some folks that witnessed the events that changed Halloween forever in Anytown 1978! Meet the youth of Anytown Elementry.
All The Kids - " Treak or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!"
" Are we on TV?"
" HI Mama!!! Look at me , I'm a Dancer!!!!!!
" Bang Bang !!! Stick um up! I'm a Cowboy!!!!
" I didn't see any monsters, just two little kids dressed like some."
" Can I have some candy."
" I'm a ghost! OOOO!!!!"
" hahahahaha"
" Let go of my neck !"
" Monsters? Where? I want to see them!"
" Cool! Monsters!!!"
"My mommy said you're a bad reporter!"
" My Dad said the same thing."
" Candy Candy Candy Candy . "
"Give me some money!"
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